In The Name Of: The Mother Tree, 2021
A devised theatre performance at Double Edge Theatre, Ashfield, MA
Director: Ebony Noelle Golden
Costume Designer: Denali Joel
Design Assistant: John Mack
Astral Projections
The Water Oracle's Ceremony

The Water Oracle

Sketch: No Sharp Edges (1)

Sketch: No Sharp Edges (2)

Sketch: The Water Oracle

Sketch: Astral Projections
These digital renderings are Afro-surrealist mood boards for a virtual performance art preview of Jubilee 11213 by Jupiter Performance Studio. Each performer was fitted and styled remotely in accordance with COVID-19 restrictions.
Digital Mood Board: Bantaba
Digital Mood Board: Portals
Digital Mood Board: Draft Riots

The Freedman's Torchlight, 2017
A performance art piece at the Weeksville Heritage Centre, Brooklyn, NY
Director: Zenzele Cooper
Costume Designer: Denali Joel
Performer: Travis Raeburn
Photographer: Dominique Sindayiganza

The Dandy Boot Black (2)